Options Cleaning Services provides vehicle and fleet owners with simple, low-cost washing without violating environmental regulations..

Maintenance Services

  • Repair Lighting
  • Clean Vents
  • Clean Fans
  • Install Ceiling Fan
  • Clean Trash Cans
  • Shower Doors
  • Stove Tops
  • Installing Toilets
  • Bathtubs/Showers
  • Return Mats
  • Make Beds
  • Straighten Up
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Painting

Discounts for Recurring Clientele

Looking to setup a regular cleaning? We offer huge savings to loyal customers (applies to second cleaning onward).

25% OFF
Weekly clients
20% OFF
Bi-weekly clients
15% OFF
Monthly clients

 October 2020 – January 2021