Graffiti Removal

Graffiti Removal


When graffiti strikes, it is best to remove it within in 24-48 hours. Studies show that the best graffiti prevention strategy is immediate removal. Leaving it up also gives vandals the wrong message. One method of graffiti removal is the use of power washing from non-painted surfaces, usually natural stone, brick or concrete. We first apply a low-concentration potassium hydroxide solution, which is strong enough to break-up the graffiti but mild enough to pose no danger to plants or animals. After applying the solution, a high-pressure water hose is used to wash the graffiti from the building.

Options Cleaning Services uses Environmental Protection Cleaners whenever possible to get the job done quickly and safely. For other surfaces, Options Cleaning Services LLC uses the best methods possible that will prevent the least damage to the existing structure’s surface, bringing it back to its original look. Surfaces can be painted after the removal of the graffiti and no one would have known, it was vandalized.